Friday, June 16, 2006

A change of tune

After Monday's political rendezvous with Ken Mehlman, work was pretty slow this week. However, I can't leave my blog fans empty-handed, so I took a little video for you instead today. After grabbing some dinner at a dining hall (one with a beautiful view, I might add)

... I dropped by Washington Square Park, where I heard some amazing drumming going on. I arrived, had a seat, and started snapping pictures at these drummers I saw. Then I realized that pictures weren't cutting it, and that you needed to see/hear these guys perform. I'm not exaggerating, they went at this feverish pace for 45 minutes, and the crowd was loving it. I'll stop writing, and let you enjoy this amazing display.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Another visitor

Today, along with a reappearance of Tim Russert, Ken Mehlman was in the studio. For those of you who aren't familiar with the name, he's the chairman of the RNC. (Think of Howard Dean's counterpart)

During Sean's interview with Ken, he said "Now, I know you won't give me your pick for 2008, so I won't even bother."

That didn't satiate me, and the chance to talk even a little politics with the RNC chairman was too good to pass up. So I asked him what his "off-the-record" thoughts on '08 were.

He said, "Come on now, that's like asking the referee to decide which team he likes best. But to be fair, give me your pick, and I'll tell you their chances."

I told him that since Condi doesn't seem to be gaining any steam, my pick would be George Allen.

He said that Senator Allen has a good chance at the nomination, and would be a good contender. Yeah, it was a very non-telling political answer, but oh well. The one really interesting thing I heard happened when Jeff (the other intern) told Mehlman that he likes McCain. I noted that McCain is entirely electable, but not as nominatable, since the Republican base doesn't like him as much. Mehlman just said "You might be surprised." Hmm..

A view of the station

Here are some pictures that I took from work Monday afternoon. As you exit the elevator, and enter the studios and offices for the 4 stations, this is the view.

Turn the corner to the right, and you see the cafeteria commons area.

Let's take a step back, and look at the building itself. Taken on 7th Avenue, looking southwest. You can see the enterance to Madison Square Garden. The arena itself is behind 2 Penn Plaza, the building you're looking at.

Okay, back to the station. Here are the production offices, and newsroom for 770 WABC, and 1050 ESPN.

This next picture is taken from the same place as the previous one. You're simply looking to the left now. The empty computer seat is where I do most of my work from.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Back at it...

Hey family and friends!

Today was a bit mundane, to be honest. I kid you not, I went through 1,200+ e-mails today. I sent out a few letters, prepared a couple lists of book/picture recipients, and got Elisha some Excedrin. All in a day's... Well, nevermind.

I took some pictures and video of the office and trip home today, and I'll be posting them when I get the energy.

Tomorrow, Sean will be back in studio with a repeat appearance of Tim Russert. I'm wondering if they're going to have a more antagonistic conversation this time. I doubt that to a good degree, however I also doubt that they'll simply be talking about Russert's new book again.

I'm on the edge of my seat.

Well, actually, I'm slouching in it, because I'm tired. So, I'm going to bed. Goodnight, all.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Back in the City...

Yes, I'm still alive.

I've been in Colorado all week at my sister's wedding. I arrived back in town this afternoon, and collapsed in sleep for too long. Anyhow, I work tomorrow so I'll update soon.

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