Saturday, June 24, 2006


So, who is Kyle?

I have no idea, but someone paid to ask this question in the sky yesterday.

Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm alive

Hello everyone,

I apologize for the time passed since my last blog entry. I've had a lot going on, emotionally and physically. Work has been going very well, though I'm afraid I don't have much new to report from 2 Penn Plaza. Mr. Hannity was in studio a couple days this week, however, we didn't have any other in-house guests.

I've talked before about the more "interney" part of my job. See the double-cup of Starbucks at the bottom of this picture? Yeah, I did that.

Basically things are in a bit of a lull right now as we prepare for the Freedom Concert. Working on tickets, correspondence, and news-monitoring.

With nothing new to show you from work, I thought I'd spend some time displaying a few photos I'd taken. I've photographed this church before in this blog, but there's always some new angle that grabs my eye as I walk past it.

I've commented on the parsonage next to this church before and how beautiful I thought it was. Here's a look from Broadway across the gate into the yard.

HBO sponsors a series of movies each summer that they play in Bryant Park on 42nd Street. Monday they played "The Birds" by Hitchcock. It's a really fun setting. Everyone brings sandwiches, fruit and wine, and hangs out in the park for the evening, watching an old movie. There's an incredibly small amount of trash left in the park afterwards, and everyone just has a great time. While watching the movie, a group of people near the back of the park all screamed in unison at a completely not scary part of the movie. Everyone laughed, and it was just a really fun time. Here's a few pictures I took.

As per the usual, I can't help but take pictures of cars I see. I had to take this from a long way off, but who can mistake the Lotus Exige? Such a beautiful car.

There's always something new to see on the subway. This guy had a bird for reasons I can't even guess.

Finally, just a set of condos/apartments in Hoboken that caught my eye. More updates to come...

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