Thursday, August 03, 2006


This morning, I'm packing up all my things. I've seen the end of this internship coming for a few weeks now, and I've widely proclaimed myself to be in serious denial over it.

Denial works for awhile, but it's a tactic which fails upon the advent of reality.

After packing my things away, I'm going to pay one last visit to my now dear friends at WABC. I should really drop all notes of finality from this blog entry. I plan on being back here, in fact I fully expect to. This has just been such a tumultuous summer.

You know that phenomenon when time seems to have flown, and it's only when you look back that you realize how long ago it really has been? Seems the French should have a phrase for that. I'll call it the "It's AUGUST?!" phenomenon for the sake of the blog. I really don't feel like it should be early August already, I sincerely feel that I've only been here a couple weeks. It's only when I look back to times like moving into this room that I realize how foreign mid-May seems.

I'm a different person now.

Working in NYC has me motivated, hungry, and restless. I've met nearly anyone I could have dreamed to, chatted with Hannity, Colmes and Olbermann, talked politics with Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman, and gained the experience that only the nation's #2 radio talk show can afford.

Leaving almost makes me angry. I just want to get to work, and take in more of the city that I know so well by now. I've made friends to last a lifetime, and gained the skills I wanted to gain.

I keep using tones of finality.
This isn't the end to anything.

I've found what I love, and even if I can't make my first job right back here, I know where I'm headed now.

I'm headed here.

I'm on my way, New York.

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