Monday, June 12, 2006

Back at it...

Hey family and friends!

Today was a bit mundane, to be honest. I kid you not, I went through 1,200+ e-mails today. I sent out a few letters, prepared a couple lists of book/picture recipients, and got Elisha some Excedrin. All in a day's... Well, nevermind.

I took some pictures and video of the office and trip home today, and I'll be posting them when I get the energy.

Tomorrow, Sean will be back in studio with a repeat appearance of Tim Russert. I'm wondering if they're going to have a more antagonistic conversation this time. I doubt that to a good degree, however I also doubt that they'll simply be talking about Russert's new book again.

I'm on the edge of my seat.

Well, actually, I'm slouching in it, because I'm tired. So, I'm going to bed. Goodnight, all.
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