Thursday, May 25, 2006

Man on the street

I got off work at 6:00 PM today, and dropped by the dining hall for a salad. Now I'm home, though, and its nearly 7 PM. Commuting in the city isn't easy. I'm just now starting to figure most of it out. I take the A/C/E line uptown to work each day. It doesn't run near the dorm, however, so I have to walk westwardly upwards of a mile to catch my train. Then, I can never remember which entrance to the subway will point me uptown or downtown. So, if I guessed wrong, I have to take the stairs underneath the trains to get to the opposite side of the tracks.

If any of you have ever commuted in the City, you're probably wondering why I'm making such a big deal of it, but its something I wasn't used to. Starting to walk the wrong way out of a subway can add some time onto your commute.

Anyway, let's move on to my day. Elisha (the call screener) told me as I arrived that I'd be doing "Man on the Street" with her today. We go down to the street, and round up a few people to go on-air with Sean, and he asks them questions like "Who's the Secretary of State?" It's pretty fun. We pre-taped that segment of the show, and aired it as the 3rd hour.

Listener e-mail was pretty fun today. (as opposed to yesterday) Here is my favorite e-mail from the day:
Tell Sean to call me, xxx-xxx-xxxx.  I want to run for President in 08 and I am
certain he would not only like me but would endorse and support my efforts. I
am serious. Hurry, not much time left.

xxx xxxx
Oh my gosh! Hold the phones! I have to print this one out, and run it to Sean's desk IMMEDIATELY! This man says he'll be President! Tell George Allen, John McCain, George Pataki, and Rudy to back up!

Because Senator Lindsey Graham was on today (a Republican in name only, or RINO), and was proposing a weak immigration bill, I got a boatload of angry e-mails telling Sean to really take it to the Senator. Seriously, they poured in dozens by the minute.

This Freedom Concert thing is going to be huge as well. I spent quite a bit of my day just working with people who didn't like the Ticket Master surcharge for tickets in San Diego... Or people who were angry that we called the location San Diego instead of the suburb it's in... Or people who wanted another concert in the midwest... Or people who want to add a performer to the lineup.

Other than that, just another fun day in RadioLand. Curt Sliwa was discussing Little Gotti who had him kidnapped in 1992, and the trial that's now going on. Plenty of political talk, and of course, the goons from ESPN radio discussing who on each other's teams is on steroids.

Well, I need a quick nap.
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