Monday, June 05, 2006

Karl Rove

Wow. Talk about unexpected.

I left my camera at home today, because all four of my rechargable batteries had died. I figured I'd settle in for a boring day of ticket lists, e-mail, and office work.

That all changed when I was given a list of stuff to prepare in the Green Room. Karl Rove was the day's guest, and I my jaw hit the floor. I disagree with a decent number of his policies, but the man is widely accepted to be THE premiere political mind of our time. As a sideline political junkie, I was in Heaven. You go ahead and try to orchestrate the two-time Presidential election of a man with the finesse of George W.

At first, I didn't recognize him when I was sent to 2 Penn Plaza's lobby to receive his party. He arrived with an aide, and a detective from the NYPD who escorts high profile guests for WABC. The reason I didn't recognize him is because he's lost a good deal of weight in the past four months.

Aaanyway, after leading the party up to WABC, we took Rove to the Green Room, and let Rachel (Sean's personal assistant) know that the guest was here, and was awaiting the cue to appear.

I could well make this a long story, but I'll trim it down. I'm tired, and the pictures I took (with a disposable camera) are on the way.

After the interview, I asked him if I could get a picture with him, so his assistant took us to the Green Room, and we did the cheesey handshake picture. That was all I ever could have asked for... but then, Rove hands me his card and tells me to send the picture to him, and he'll autograph it and send it back.

So... wow.

Also, in today's news, I kinda met Garrison Keillor. I went with a good friend to Barnes and Noble to hear him speak. Another long story, but as a casual fan of his show, that was a fun group to be in... ;)

That's all for tonight. I'm so tired.
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