Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Week 2

I went back to work today for week two of my internship. I had Monday off for the holiday. They ran a "best of" show, and so we had a day to rest. I took it easy yesterday. Finally in the evening, I got a little stir crazy, and went for a walk. I walked from 10th and Broadway down to Reade St. and Broadway, and then returned. I looked up my route when I got home and realized that I had walked three miles. Pretty good exercise. I wished I had brought my camera a couple times, but I'm glad I didn't. I walked through a couple rough-looking blocks, and even saw a big pack of rats for the first time. Parts of the city are bizarre at night. I walked past a man with a fanny-pack boombox last night. He appeared to be homeless, but was walking quickly down the street with two medium-sized round speakers tied around his waist. From the speakers was blaring some silly electronic music from the 80's.

Another man walked up quickly behind me, and reached for a Styrofoam carton of Chinese food left on a storefront. As I kept on walking past, he examined its contents, dropped it, and walked quickly past me again, digging through an abandoned bag of chips. He added this to his stash, and quickly passed me again, to stop for a pair of Starbucks cups, cracking the lids off to probe for contents.

I crossed the street.

Not all things in New York are creepy/weird. Today, walking home from work, I saw a man with a squeeze water bottle and a small pug dog. He handed the bottle to the dog with the nozzle in the dogs mouth. The dog would then tip the contents up the bottle upwards whenever he wanted a drink.

Work today was pretty average for what I can tell. I went through the usual stack of crazy mail. I received a letter from an inmate today. Nothing too fascinating about someone in jail writing a letter, but what cracked me up is that the prisoner wrote "CORRECTIONAL FACILITY" in his return address, but the jail's official stamp on back of the letter said "CORRECETIONAL FACILITY". No wonder these people aren't being rehabilitated. Their captors (society) can't even spell to make stamps for official documents.

Other than that, the mail we usually receive is all books (authors seeking promotion), letters requesting assistance, or magazines. E-mail is a whole other story that I've gone through before.

On an interesting note, I can add another celebrity to my list. I was sitting at the news desk today when Dick Morris called in, looking for Hannity's assistant. So, I paged her, and that was that!

I only have one picture from today. I'll try and get some better pictures of my work process tomorrow. So for now, enjoy this picture from Washington Square. Bye for now!
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